The United Nations has decided to honour us with the global statistics for murder and intentional homicide. They’ve also decided that we must do something about this which seems reasonable enough. It’s the conclusion they draw from the numbers which seems a bit odd tho‘:
Research published by the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) found that of the approximately 87,000 women and girls intentionally killed in 2017, about 58 percent died at the hands of someone who was either an “intimate partner” or a relative.
This amounts to six women being killed every hour by people they know, the report said. It was released Sunday to coincide with the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The campaign brought thousands of people to the streets of nations around the globe to raise awareness of gender-based violence.
Yury Fedotov, the UNODC’s executive director, noted that while the vast majority of worldwide homicide victims are men – accounting for 8 out of 10 homicides in 2017 – women bear the greatest burden in terms of violence perpetrated by intimate partners.
In 2017, roughly 82 percent of victims of homicide perpetrated by intimate partners or family members were female. The corresponding figure for men: 18 percent.
The vast majority of men are killed by strangers.
“Women continue to pay the highest price as a result of gender inequality, discrimination and negative stereotypes,” Fedotov said. “Targeted criminal justice responses are needed to prevent and end gender-related killings,” he added.
Men suffer the vast majority of murders. Therefore we’ve all got to concentrate on the very much smaller point of the murders of women?
In other news the majority of rape victims in the United States are male. If we include the prison population that is. Yet our concentration must be upon the vanishingly small, by comparison, incidence of rape upon college campuses.
We might even think that the societal sense of proportion is suffering from some category error, eh?
Let’s see, a quick few sums.
8/10 of homicides are male, and 18% of male homicides are killed by a partner, so 14%.
2/10 of homicides are female, and 82% of female homicides are killed by a partner, so 16%.
That difference appears to be statistical noise to me.
And what’s the betting that “8 out of 10” has been expressed that way to ensure it comes to the smaller end total? 820001%vs17.9999% would make males the greater number.
Yup, exactly my first thoughts when reading the article.