Chuka Umunna yesterday launched The Independent Group’s so-called manifesto (although they deny thats what it is). Either way this policy document outlines the groups stance. At the forefront of the 50 page document was re-nationalisation of services and getting rid of tuition fees. -oddly for a (former) Labour MP calling the policies ‘..a waste of money” and “obsolete”.
We assume either that Chuka has had a huge enlightenment in the last two weeks over welfare and economics or was playing party politics whilst hanging around the Labour benches as he has consistently voted for the policies above.
Welfare Increases: Voted For
Public Ownership of Railways: Voted For
Re-nationalisation of Royal Mail: Voted For
Scrapping of Student Fees: Voted For
Its almost like voting to hold a referendum on the European Union and then saying the British people didnt know what they were voting for and to overturn it.
Just remember: Chuka knows best!
He does however look good in a suit.
The Eye nails it: