This Is Winning – Fertility Doctor Uses Own Sperm To Father 49 Children


We don’t recommend that people do this and it’s obviously not all that great for everyone involved, but this story of the fertility doctor who used his own sperm to father 49 children is also known as winning.

Winning at the main object of the game of life that is. Which is to have descendants:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] A Dutch fertility doctor used his own sperm to illegally father 49 children, DNA tests have shown. Jan Karbaat, who died two years ago, impregnated the women at a clinic near Rotterdam. The tests took place after a court agreed in February to release his DNA following a legal bid by dozens of his children and their parents. Results released on Friday proved that Mr Karbaat was the father of the 49 children, said the group Defence for Children which had supported the case. [/perfectpullquote]

Think of life from that Darwinian point of view. The aim is to have descendants who then have descendants. The chances of those grandkiddies turning up are obviously greater the more children you have. The perpetuation of your genes is more likely the more in that first generation who carry them.

As we say, this isn’t going to be great for those who thought they were getting donor sperm from elsewhere. The kids themselves might be a bit surprised or more. But from the point of view of Mr. Karbaat’s genes this is known as winning. Winning at the great game of life, the purpose of the whole enterprise, having those descendants, the more the better.

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Mohave Greenie
Mohave Greenie
5 years ago

Ghengis Khan is the person identified with the greatest spread of genetic material in the world. From an evolutionary standpoint, maybe we should all strive to emulate him!

5 years ago

This is also cheaper than having to pay for someone else’s sperm. Win, win!!