Only Left Wing People Are Authentically Black, D’Ye See?


A very weird contention here. The colour of your skin determines – or should determine perhaps – your political views. For example, if you are melanin enriched you should, must, be in favour of punitive tax rates. Haemoglobin S means you should be against the slave trade – fair enough actually, not just because all forms of Haemoglobin carriers should be – and also pro-Islam, not the historical experience at all.

But this is the claim:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Don’t be fooled by Johnson’s ‘diverse’ cabinet. Tory racism hasn’t changed
Kehinde Andrews The new ethnic minority ministers don’t represent real progress – they are among the most hard-right figures in the party [/perfectpullquote]

See, you’re not properly efnic unless you’re a lefty.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]The new BAME cabinet members all supported the government that adopted these policies, so they clearly do not represent Britain’s black and Asian communities. For them, blue is the only colour that matters and they are some of the most rightwing figures even within the Tory party.[/perfectpullquote]

All of which is darkly amusing. That skin colour does and should determine social attitudes is rather the racism which we’ve all pledged to leave behind, isn’t it?

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Kehinde Andrews is an author and professor of black studies at Birmingham City University[/perfectpullquote]

But then if your lot in life is to teach grievance studies at Birmingham College of Art then we’re not going to expect great perceptiveness from you, are we?

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Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
5 years ago

That there is even a professor of black studies at Birmingham City University is a bit racist, that he is falls into the trap of racial profiling is very racist. Bloody racists everywhere, except in the Cabinet.

In all seriousness, why can’t the prof celebrate that regardless of ethnicity or class you can reach the highest offices of state? Meanness of spirit is the likely answer.

Jonathan Harston
Jonathan Harston
5 years ago

Almost all the Pakistani accountants I knew as a child were full-on Conservatives. So, being a Pakistani UK cabinet member *is* “representing the community”.

5 years ago

Racists will be racists. They see it in everyone but themselves.

Loony Leftieland is a land with no mirrors.

5 years ago

All this and we’re told, loudly and constantly, that race is a “social construct”? Makes one’s head swim keeping up with the inconsistencies.

5 years ago

Always been thus – when the Left was about class, you couldn’t be real working class and be a Tory. If you are not a Leftie you are wrong, evil misogynistic, homophobic and racist, so it really doesn’t matter if you are black, gay and a woman. You are not a proper black gay woman if you are a Tory.

5 years ago

The left has always been adamant that minorities should stay on the rez.