The BBC’s Five London Headlines – All Stabbings, All Murders


It’s not obvious that these are all different stories but this was indeed the lineup for the BBC London news earlier:

BBC London headlines

We have indeed been enriched by so much diversity, haven’t we?

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Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
5 years ago

Yesterday on the radio the BBC was sticking it to Boris in their ridiculous attempt to spoil his chances. His office claimed he had reduced murders in the capital by 40-50% during his term as mayor. The figure is true, as they were forced to admit but a parade of quotes came in saying:

It wasn’t him, it was the previous guy
All his initiatives were useless
He was just lucky

His measures pissed off ‘the community’.
He didn’t fund enough community boondoggles

..and so on. Blatant, but fruitless, because we can see what Khan does.

Matt Ryan
Matt Ryan
5 years ago

And the BBC “up norf” will have 5 stories of rapey rape of young girls with no mention of cultural background.