Some women are never pleased. Proof perfect that the feminist project has in fact won is seen as a terrible imposition of yet more of the patriarchy:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] For the past 10 years, capitalism has been co-opting the language of sexual equality and feminism in order to sell us a new flavour of mass consumerism – keyrings in the shape of Venus symbols, mugs printed with Maya Angelou quotes, T-shirts sewn by women of colour in economically developing countries under slave conditions that say Women are the Future across the tits. Too often our politics has been exploited, sanitised, repackaged and sold back to us by brands eager to profit from our desires, without letting those desires have the merest speck of an effect on their world view or work practices. [/perfectpullquote]No, you’re missing the point entirely lovely. When capitalism is chasing it means you’ve won. For as capitalism is admirably amoral it’ll provide whatever it is that you want in pursuit of a groat or two. After all, poontang money has no smell, spends just like any other. And what the capitalists desire, what they chase, is vast piles of cash they can both ski down and also spend on hot and cold running Ferraris. What they’ve got to produce for you to gain that river of lucre doesn’t matter in the slightest.
Therefore if they’ve the sweatshops of the world making pink pussy hats for you then you’ve won. Feminism is mainstream enough to try to profit from it. Society has adopted your views to the extent that it’s all worth trying to make a quid out of.
As Joan Robinson pointed out, the only thing worse than being exploited by a capitalist is not being so.
I didn’t click the link as I could see by hovering it went to The Graundian.
Was this Owen Jones writing the piece?
An inability to understand capitalism is a prerequisite for Progressives. They just don’t get that people produce what people want as they so desperately need it to be the other way around.
“Progressives” believe that the entire human race should be dedicated to fulfilling only and solely human needs, and human desires should be outlawed, crushed, repressed, subjugated.
You don’t “need” to have television – ban it!
You don’t “need” to have a model railway – ban them!
You don’t “need” to have mayonaise on your chips – ban it!
They are – I don’t know what the word is, overwhelmed with overwhelming feelings of obscenity? – that humans have desires, and that the *whole* *point* of being human is to progress beyond fulfulling needs and fulfilling desires.
Ban it for you, of course. But naturally they can have it.