A Fascinating Claim, Winning An Election Is Anti-Democratic


Fortunately around here we don’t ingest the same substances that those writing for Salon do:

Don’t get suckered by the polls: Donald Trump will win again — unless we fight for democracy

It’s a fascinating claim, isn’t it? Winning an election is anti-democratic.

Sure, it’s anti-Democratic if the Republican wins but that’s rather the point of the system, isn’t it – that we out here get to do the choosing.

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5 years ago

In essence, the Democratic Party does not care about democracy, but about eternal self-preservation by increasing the number of people dependent on the state for continuation of their free stuff (and recruiting new citizens who will play that role). Elections are periodic Kabuki dances to put a public seal of approval on that process. They are fine, “if we win.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Spike

Just as ‘hate speech’ is when you say what you think of them. Of course if they say what they think of you, that’s ‘freedom of speech.’

5 years ago
Reply to  Boganboy

Nay, sir, in that case it’s “Speaking Truth to Power”!

Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
5 years ago

Fascinating in the same way that it is nigh on impossible to pass the scene of a car crash without rubber necking. Fascinating in the same way that Margaret Hodge is still a member of the Labour Party. Fascinating in the same way that 16 year old Shamima Begum wasn’t old enough to know what she was doing according to the same MPs who want to extend the franchise to 16 year olds. Fascinating in the same way as my brother, a Brit who decamped to New York 30 years ago, who was so incandescent with rage when I suggested… Read more »