This is not, despite appearances, me being unkind:
My allergic reaction is not to any one film, but to an entire creative sector that has so utterly failed not only to admit women as equals, and to reflect and represent our experiences, but even on the most basic level to acknowledge us as human beings with a valid perspective – as the #MeToo scandal made abundantly clear. In this respect, film has much to learn from publishing. The books sector is far from perfect – witness the “Jonathan Franzen effect”, by which male writers are given a canonical status that is much harder for female writers to achieve, and the lower pricing of books by women than books by men. Nonetheless, fiction in particular is an artistic form in which women can thrive. In 2017, Haruki Murakami was the only male writer to make the top 10 bestselling literary authors in the UK – quite a contrast to the measly 4% of female directors on the top 100 grossing films of 2018.
D’ye see there? Women being dominant in a field is just great and fab. Men being dominant in a field is a crime that cries out to the very heavens for justice.
Which is a rather good description of modern feminism – or perhaps an example of what’s wrong with it. It’s as with the Soviet method of argument, what’s ours is ours and what’s yours is negotiable.
‘… as the #MeToo scandal made abundantly clear.’
… was confirmation that there can only be a market where both buyers and sellers are present. And clearly there was a market for ‘goings-on’ in Tinsel Town.
And the number of men so far convicted after the #MeToo Twatter campaign?
Perhaps women like to read books and men like to watch films and so the industries cater to their relative preferences.
Or perhaps the creative processes for writing vs making a film are rather different and attract the sexes in inverse proportions? Women obviously quite like writing a book sat in their warm houses, with plenty of tea and biscuits on tap, whereas lugging cameras to the some god forsaken location to film something, maybe not so much.
Perhaps women are much better than men at writing books woman want to read but men are pretty capable at making films women want to see – because direction g a GM is very different from writing a story.
You are missing the point – when women succeed it is a sign of a just and meritocratic society or sector. When men succeed it is a sign of a male-dominated society or sector.
Thus it is not a double standard.
Women being on top is the natural order of things. Men succeeding is Patriarchy!
In the era of the Net Book Agreement “women’s” books and “men’s” books were priced the same. Now the market sets prices. If you want to sell more, write stuff that people will buy. If you want to charge more, write stuff people are prepared to pay more for.
Dear Mizz Feminist
Ricky, a fellow Leftie, has a message for you
or (Sub Ita)
Male writers books more expensive – demand my dear, demand
Mrs Pcar & Mummy Pcar rarely read female authored books