A Note For Owen Jones- Racists, Bigots, Sexists All Have Free Speech Too


Owen Jones tells us that some views simply cannot be allowed:

Yet Question Time then saw fit to clip the 82 seconds of hate, accompanied by a succinct summary of the audience member’s rant. Lies and hatred, uncorrected and unchallenged, rippled across social media from the account of the BBC’s self-described “flagship political debate programme”. At the time of writing, the video had been viewed more than 2 million times. By sharing the video, the BBC seemed to imply that this wasn’t racism – it was simply someone’s opinion, for us to agree or disagree with, in much the same way that we might debate the top rate of tax, or whether the railways should be renationalised. Who’s to say who is right and who is wrong? This was just another valid perspective to roam free in the marketplace of ideas – or such was the implication.

Well, yes Owen. And here’s the thing. You know, this free speech thing. As long as it’s not libellous and not an immediate – the immediate is very important here – incitement to violence then people get to say whatever comes into their pretty little heads.

That is, racists, bigots, sexists, they all have that free speech too. Why, even people who disagree with Owen Jones get that right too.

And guess what? When everyone has to pay into the BBC through the taxation system – which is what the licence fee is – then everyone’s views also righteously get an airing on the BBC.

A broadcaster that only airs approved by Owen Jones views is one which should be paid for by Owen Jones alone.

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4 years ago

Jones does an excellent job of misrepresenting what she actually said, then making his accusation about her racism etc on the back of that. Possibly libellous? Who knows. But Jones is certainly utterly unwilling to atttempt to understand her point of view.
There’s a word for that – bigot.

Sam Vara
Sam Vara
4 years ago

The lady never mentions race, as far as I can see. The closest she comes is to talk about the costs of interpreters. She begins by saying how we now have 68 million people in the UK, and this is adversely affecting provision of services. I completely agree with her. The country is full, and I would object to an influx of (say) millions of WASP New Zealanders. Jones is merely trying to brick up one side of the Overton window, which is pretty much all he ever does. Still, he’s welcome to his opinion, even if the BBC “normalises”… Read more »

4 years ago

So her comments, while upsetting to Owen, weren’t actually lies or racist? Cue Inigo Montoya “YKUTW. IDNTIMWYTIM.”

4 years ago

But, but, but … as far s Owen Jones is concerned, *no-one* apart from him should have free speech. In Owen’s view the only bigots allowed free speech are himself and those who agree with him

4 years ago
Reply to  john77

John, I don’t know where you get that idea……..https://youtu.be/Qkh7PyZgH4Q

4 years ago

If only it were true that everyone’s views also righteously get an airing on the BBC. Climate Change, anyone?