The Reparations Bill Appears Ever So Slightly Biased
Of course, we all know that committees to study something aren't set up in order to study something. Even so, this seems more than...
Yes, You’re Right, The Home Office Is Mad
This not being a surprise, that the Home Office is either mad or woefully ignorant. The only interesting question is which particular subject they're...
Crazed Loons – JAMA And Structural Racism
There's a lot of ruin in a nation as we've been told. But perhaps not as much room for ruin in a civilisation as...
Online Media Used In Online Sex Crimes
Isn't this just the most surprising finding ever?
Facebook’s apps were used in more than half of online child sex crimes from October 2019...
Juries Won’t Convict Rapists, So, Abolish Juries
This has long been an aim of a certain type of authoritarian, to abolish juries in criminal trials. After all, how can the authorities...
Bring Back Colonialism For Burma
Clearly allowing Burma to become independent two generations back was the wrong idea. It's not just that we should but that we must reverse...
Are Tyrants Hijacking The COVID Language?
Remember these Brexit phrases?
"Crashing out"
"Withdrawal Agreement"
Language used not to illuminate, but conceal truth. To convince us not to believe our lying eyes.
Gaslighting, some call...
The Ibrahm X Kendi Argument For Capitalism And Free Markets
Let us do Mr. Kendi the honour of taking him seriously for a moment. You know, instead of the usual screams of laughter at...
Corporal Klinger’s Next Career Move
From Esteban:
From 1972 to 1983 the TV show “M*A*S*H” (set in an Army hospital in Korea during the Korean war) was massively popular in...
Peak Hypocrisy
From Esteban:
Whenever I start thinking I’m getting too cynical about politics it seems to bring on a “hold my beer and watch this” moment....