Porno Power

From our Swindon Correspondent: From The Independent Streaming online pornography produces the same amount of carbondioxide as Belgium, according to a new report by French think tank...

Mayer Hillman Is Hopelessly Wrong On Climate Change

Mayer Hillman (who he? - Ed) wants to tell us that we're doomed, doomed 'E tells 'ee, to boil in the remnants of the...

As Bjorn Lomborg Said, Cold Kills More Than Heat

And didn't Bjorn Lomborg get shouted at for pointing this out, that far more people die in and because of the cold of winter...

What Excellent News – All Climate Change Science Is Now Wrong

Of course, there are those who have been saying that all climate change science has always been wrong but my statement is rather different,...

Oh Dear, Greta Thunberg Really Is A Nutter

We've mentioned before that Greta Thunberg is perhaps better thought of as Violet Elizabeth Bott. I’ll thcream and thcream ’till I’m thick, or perhaps I’ll...

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Wasted His Money On This Climate Report

Huzzah and celebrations because Leonardo DiCaprio has turned his river of money from the movies into a climate change report which shows us all...

More Lies About Climate Change

I'm afraid so, we've yet another of these "scientific" reports insisting that we're all going to end up boiling Flipper in the remains of...

CO2 To Coal, The Climate Change Cure – Yes, Yes, But How Much Does...

An interesting finding here but one that doesn't in fact solve our problems. Not unless and until we know the answer to that question...

Gilets Jaunes Become Yellow Vest Protests In Canada, Still In Favour Of Fossil Fuels

This will be a rather interesting thing for Naomi Klein to have to confront, won't it? For she has told us - proven to...

Greta Thunberg As Violet Elizabeth Bott

There's a certain possibility that this global fame being accorded to Greta Thunberg isn't all that wise. Even, that what we're observing is behaviour...

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