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Climate Change

The Scrubbers Are Failing

In the film Apollo 13, a loss of oxygen causes the crew to start inadvertently poisoning themselves with their exhalations. The engineers back on earth...

Independent Verification

From our Swindon Correspondent: One of my favourite techniques to verify data is to try and find other data, produced by other, unconnected means that...

Blame The Army Corps Of Engineers, Not Climate Change

So Louisiana is sinking below the waves, is it? With higher temperatures, eggs are hatching faster. Despite a harvesting programme, there are now two...

You Will Be Poor, Peasants!

We have that delightful vision of an anthropologist trying to talk economics. This works about as well as that oft seen accountant trying to...

We Must Have More Climate Change Propaganda Comrades!

Isn't this a lovely demand from the usual sources? One of the key lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic is that strong policies require strong public...

Fighting Climate Change Really Does Mean We’ve All Got To Shiver In The Dark

Here we have it, straight from the horse's mouth: Radiators would have to run 10 degrees cooler under changes to homes needed for Britain to...

So We Can’t Trust The World Bank, WTO, OECD, On Climate Change Then

Whether we should ever trust such groupings of the global illuminati on anything is a bit of a power of course but here we've...

They’re Still Not Understanding Climate Change In The Slightest

This is an interesting proposal about how we should deal with climate change: What should we do next? Flying has to reduce. A recent report...

Why Do None Of These Pieces Fit?

People who care deeply about climate change think it is the defining issue of our times, and insist that everything else should be examined...

They Come Around In The End You Know, They Do Come Around

The Guardian treats us to a piece on how a revenue neutral carbon tax is the answer to climate change: A carbon dividend feels like...

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