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Climate Change

Well Done – Entirely, And Totally, Misunderstanding Canada’s Carbon Tax

There are things not to like about Canada's new federal carbon tax. For example, any concept of federalism or provincial power rather dies when...

Of Course Paul Romer’s Right About Climate Change And Economic Growth – He Just...

Theory here is absolute - of course we can have continuing economic growth and still beat climate change. Economic growth isn't about things, nor...

Our Word, Stock Markets Reward Those With Good Climate Change Policies

One study does not proof make - we'd all like to see a little more replication than that. But the implication of this paper...

Mayer Hillman Is Hopelessly Wrong On Climate Change

Mayer Hillman (who he? - Ed) wants to tell us that we're doomed, doomed 'E tells 'ee, to boil in the remnants of the...

More Lies About Climate Change

I'm afraid so, we've yet another of these "scientific" reports insisting that we're all going to end up boiling Flipper in the remains of...

CFC-11 Ozone-Eating Rise Shows Our Planning Problem With Climate Change 2

Someone, somewhere, is making more CFC-11 than they should be - this illustrates neatly one of our major problems with climate change. Yes, it's...

The 1.5 Degree Climate Target – Entirely The Wrong Logic

We've yet another of these dire warnings, that we're all about to boil Flipper and we really must do something. The underlying logic of...

How To Properly Beat Climate Change – Get Fracking

One of the more interesting absurdities of climate change is that the best known method of actually dealing with it in the here and...

As Bjorn Lomborg Said, Cold Kills More Than Heat

And didn't Bjorn Lomborg get shouted at for pointing this out, that far more people die in and because of the cold of winter...

Cutting Shipping Emissions – The Nonsense Of Cutting By Sector To Beat Climate Change

One of the great sadnesses of the climate change debate is that everyone, just everyone making policy that is, ignores all of the things...

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