The Scrubbers Are Failing
In the film Apollo 13, a loss of oxygen causes the crew to start inadvertently poisoning themselves with their exhalations.
The engineers back on earth...
Identifying Germany’s Actual Problem
I'm a great believer in it being systems which go wrong, not individuals who nominally control them. Russian style socialism didn't fail because Brezhnev,...
EU Cultural Diversity
From our Swindon Correspondent:
From The Guardian
Under the EU’s audiovisual media services directive, a majority of airtime must be given to such European content on terrestrial...
The Problem Is The EU Bureaucracy, Not The People Of The EU
Mancur Olson used to point out that all governments are bandits. However, there's a difference between being ruled by nomadic bandits, who come in...
The EU’s Ghastly Mistake On Vaccine Liability And Indemnification
The European Union has not been covering itself in glory over the vaccine rollout. Petty nationalism, technocratic bumbling and, to make things worse, flat...
The Northern Ireland Running Out Of Food Story
OK, bits of paperwork, sand in the gears of trade:
Bosses of the UK's largest supermarkets have warned "urgent intervention" is needed by the Government...
Wine Whine
From our Swindon correspondent:
Well, this is rather beautiful:-
The wine sector faces woes of its own, however, including one bit of paperwork that industry leaders say is...
How Many Kids Will The European Union Kill Today?
There are costs to everything, to everything. Sure, there are benefits too, but the important thing is to balance said costs and said benefits....
The Media Have Become Effie Trinket
Behind the scenes, the wealthy, the privileged, the elites, the globalists.
Out front, their stenographers in the media, no longer willing or able to actually...
If Only Someone Had Told The Europeans
Told them, that is, that disparate economies require different monetary policy to meet the different reactions to economic stimuli:
Is Spain at risk of becoming...