Segmented Sleep – I Don’t Believe It For A Moment

There's an idea out there that humans, entirely naturally, have two sleep segments in a night. Go to bed, sleep a bit, wake up,...

Doesn’t This Just Kill The Idea That Fast Food Makes Us Porkers

It's a standard complaint these days that eating in restaurants - OK, fast food restaurants - is what makes us the gargantuan porkers that...

WHO Wishes To Abolish Pregnancy

This might not be quite what they're saying but in many a society this is what would happen: Women of childbearing age should not drink...

The Significantly Weird Attempt To Ban Menthol Cigarettes

Apparently menthol cigarettes must be banned because more blacks smoke them than do whites: Menthol Cigarettes Kill Many Black People. A Ban May Finally...

You’ll Never Find Him In Those Canyons

The passing of Sir Sean Connery has reminded me of one of his films. In The Hunt For Red October, a sonar operator happens upon...

The Medical Profession Seems To Be Going Mad

A paper in The Lancet telling us that British children are becoming fat dwarves. This being something to do with Thatcher - of course...

The Problem With Whining About Processed Food

It is the latest assault on all this capitalist modernity, that processed food is bad for you. Instead we should all be eating stuff...

But People Like Holidays

We have the usual blindness of the expert here. Which is to be expert in one field and never bother to look up and...

Robert Reich Is Ignorant – Or Casuistic – Again

Robert Reich tells us the following: By contrast, the United States — with the highest death rate and most haphazard response to Covid-19 of any...

Coronavirus: The Shock of the New?

From our Swindon Correspondent: Someone pointed out on Question Time that the number of deaths from Covid-19 in the UK was less than the number...

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