There’s a lot of speculation about the Special Counsel investigating Russia interference in the US electoral process in 2016 and subsequently. While it is clear that Russian interference took place, less clear is any involvement by American citizens.
Robert Mueller, who might have been lifted out of a comic book, such is his reputation for probity and diligence, has run into criminal activity by US citizens, although these alleged crimes mostly have little to do with his mission. But it’s getting close enough to the Trump administration to make Trump agitated.
If you look for a definition of ‘wide boy’ in my dictionary, there is no text–just a photograph of Donald J. Trump. His escapades during his climb to the status of self-proclaimed king of New York real estate, his adventures in the world of casinos, his love affairs and philandering, make it clear that were he British he would have been portrayed by Bob Hoskins, an actor I sorely miss, straight from the set of ‘Unleashed,’ where he more or less defined modern thuggery and perhaps served unintentionally as a role model for the current U.S. president.
It is increasingly obvious that Trump is worried sick that, regardless of any crimes committed in furtherance of Russian mischief, Robert Mueller is finding enough evidence of criminal activity during Trump’s long career to endanger Trump’s presidency.
Hence all the attempts to fire and discredit Mueller by Donald Trump. Trump may be able (just) to get away with axing Mueller. But probably not. So what happens next?
The obvious strategy has not been elaborated on by the media, so I’ll just lay it out here. The odds are quite good that the Democrats will gain control of the House of Representatives in November. As they are the body responsible for recommending articles of impeachment with regard to the president, it makes no sense at all for Mueller to report findings or issue strategic indictments (of any of the Trumps, Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions, et al) before the new House is sworn in in January. Mueller is not interested in reporting on criminal activity–he wants results from this investigation, people in jail. So he probably won’t.
This doesn’t mean that he won’t indict minor players to show he’s still on the job. But it does mean that all three rings of this circus are likely to play for the rest of the year.
Mueller is running a Star Chamber, investigating the Russians, the dossier subsidized by Trump’s opponents, Trump’s family and friends and now Trump’s business organization. He and his team are Democrat holdovers and Republican Nevertrumpers. Their goal is to neutralize Trump, to run out the clock on policy until the focus is the next election, and to illegally leak scandal to the Washington Post and New York Times, who will take turns telling us what the evening’s national news is, overriding whatever Trump would like it to be. There have been no “attempts to fire” Mueller. A Special Prosecutor can only… Read more »
“…and Republican Nevertrumpers.”
How many Republicans are on Mueller’s team?
Judging by campaign contributions, Mueller’s investigators overwhelmingly favor Democrats. But their protectors, Comey and I thought Rosenstein, are registered Republicans (and notorious “straight arrows”).
As is Mueller himself…
So on Mueller’s team (i.e. those appointed by Mueller) we have zero Republicans. 13 out of 16 are Democrats and the other 3 are unaffiliated.
Spike, you are aware that Mueller is a lifelong Republican, right?
So is even Jeff Flake, probably. Lots of Card Carrying Republicans want to be free of the unpredictable Trump. And I am now aware that you self-identify (below) as a leftist, so I suspect that your factoid above, which goes to say, “But Mueller is on your side!” stands in lieu of actual analysis. Mueller is engaged in partisan sabotage of the administration.
Jeff Flake is in fact a Republican. As is Mueller. Does it not give pause for thought when Republicans of long and good standing fear what Trump may do to their party, let alone their country? For it is my country too, and I am afraid of the damage Donald J. Trump is causing to it. Analysis is where you find it. You have plenty of company on this site and elsewhere that will provide comfort to your state of mind. It is not a sign of clear thinking when one rejects analysis based on perceptions of partisan affiliation–not of… Read more »
The GOP hierarchy are largely equivalent to BluLabour over here. Self-serving scum who are nearly as full of cultural marxist clichéd cockrot as their supposed leftist “opponents” across the floor of whichever rathole they are talking in.
The idea that bogus “conservatives” are in fact conservative –simply because they claim they are is another sick joke. And as bogus as males who claim they can become women by declaring that they have.
For it is my country too, and I am afraid of the damage Donald J. Trump is causing to it.
Given the election was a binary choice, do you think less damage would have been caused to the USA if Mrs Clinton had been elected?
And if so, why?
Yes, because she’s a politician.
A professional lying scumbag.
And in addition one of the most corrupt and evil women ever to have lived.
Most corrupt and evil? When you resort to melodrama, perhaps you should revert to the spelling associated with it–‘evile.’ Aptly nicknamed the Blood Countess, Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian noblewoman, and she was probably the most prolific female serial killer of all time. At the end of the 16th century and beginning of the 17th century, Bathory tortured and killed up to 650 girls and young women at her castle in Cachtice, modern Slovakia. The macabre nickname came from her apparent tendency to bathe in the blood of her victims as she believed it would help her maintain her youthful-looking… Read more »
Legions of scum on both sides are on the take and in the swamp chum. Including your mate the Piss-soaked Pipecleaner. Who was in the vile Cow’s corner even tho he hates her and Billyboy’s guts. But he knows that one of the scumbags going down puts the rest in danger. There are extensive connections between the Bush and Clinton crime families. The “womens candidate” was paid off by Saudi scum who treat women like shit. Not to mention the Haiti Heist. Oh wait–your lying scumbag pals at Scopes said she didn’t do it. So fuck those Haitian liars. The… Read more »
Leaving the remaining question open: Are you a Russian bot or just brainwashed by one?
That’s a great potential advert: Welcome to the Barbizon School of Bottery. Be a Bot! Or, Just sound like one.
What a stunning refutation of my arguments. Or the best that you can manage.
And as for others being brainwashed FFS. It would be funny if it wasn’t tragic for you and the once great nation,
No –strike that bit–tragedy for you and all your leftist pals would be good news for America. And what is left of the sane world.
You’ve pledged allegiance to your Vlad.
And you suck at the tits of a murdering bitch who put Libya to the slaughter.
And you like Killery as well.
bot bot gum gum bot bot yum yum Yes Vlad done done bot bot gum gum
Judge for yourselves Dear Viewers which sides arguments you believe.
Robert Mueller, who might have been lifted out of a comic book, such is his reputation for probity and diligence, Lol. He’s a swamp creature just like curtain-twitching perjurer Jim Comey and his former deputy Andy McCabe, who thought it’d be a good idea to hold #Resistance meetings in his FBI office and lie to investigators. The first thing Mueller did on being appointed special counsel was to hire a boatload of partisan lawyers who had given money to the Hillary campaign. The senior ranks of the FBI are as crooked as a Jesuit’s conscience, because the US federal government… Read more »
I’m curious as to why you think Mueller is a swamp creature. Can you explain?
Look at his bio.
I have. Nothing in it suggested to me that he is a swamp creature. Was it his service in Vietnam? Was it the decades as an agent in the FBI? His directorship of that agency?
I don’t deny the existence of swamp creatures. I’m agin ’em. But a Republican that quit two very high paying private law jobs to re-enter public service? The guy gave up million dollar annual salaries to earn about $150K as a Fed.
Perhaps a little perspective is in order…
I am unable to answer the question, “Mueller: Friend or foe?” least of all based on his resumé or salary versus what you think he can earn. However, he is engaged in a boundless investigation, now completely disengaged from his original mandate and having only one common thread: Trump!!! And acting with the impunity of Everyone in Washington saying his firing would be a Constitutional crisis. That spells out partisan treachery to me.
I’m curious as to why you think his investigation is boundless, let alone disengaged from his original mandate. The very existence of his original mandate shows clear boundaries. His investigation is supervised by a Trump appointee, who is in turn supervised by another Trump appointee. His mandate is to investigate criminal activity linked to Russian interference in the US electoral process and any criminal activity that is uncovered during that investigation, whether or not it is associated with Russian interference. You may say that this mandate is too broad–but it was given to him by a Trump appointee. And it… Read more »
Tom – perspective would be good. Mueller – whom you comically describe as some sort of paragon – is a political figure who has spent decades in Washington. You don’t get approved for the top FBI job by both Dubya and Obama because you’re a nice guy, you get it thanks to your connections, deal-cutting skills and reputation for not embarrassing your masters. Mueller personally acted as a flak-catcher for Obama after the disastrous policy to secretly funnel illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels ended up getting a US Border Agent killed. Nobody in the administration was ever arrested or… Read more »
Gee, Spike, why did Bush appoint him then?
Mueller is demonstrably more interested in the lifetime sinecures, tenure, and impunity of FBI employees than the truth or having a single, nonpartisan standard of culpability. (AG Sessions I am not certain about.) Swamp creatures understand the threat to their comfortable careers posed by a break-the-mold interloper from outside the culture, such as Trump, and develop “insurance policies” and permanent investigations to protect themselves against what he might do. That’s my definition.
That word demonstrably means I can ask you to demonstrate it, right?
Boston. Whitey Bulger. Four innocents banged up. Withheld exculpatory evidence. Megadamages except one poor bloke was dead before this emerged.
“Hence all the attempts to fire and discredit Mueller by Donald Trump.”
How many “attempts to fire Mueller” can you list, Tom? Slag off, sure, plenty. Legally and constitutionally, Trump can “fire” Mueller any time he likes (technically, instruct the Justice Department to shut down the investigation).
It strikes me that the ones agitated and worried sick are the past and present Obama era senior “deep state” officials who appear to have been very naughty indeed.
Hi PJF, you should ask Don McGahn, the white house lawyer. He says Trump ordered him to get Mueller fired.
The list of “claims” about Trump by assorted creatures would fill up more books than the fucking Federal Register.
As some Yank once observed “In this business, Money talks and Bullshit walks”.
Or types as in your case Fully.
Well, that was an embarrassing article.
Tom must have been reading his news upside down, because everything he claims as true is arse about face.
“Robert Mueller,……..his reputation for probity and diligence” Hahahahahaha…
Recusant, do you have reports of anything else on Mueller?
Yes, his investigation of the Anthrax attacks was an embarrassing exercise in prosecutorial mistakes and downright malfeasance. He hounded the wrong man for 10 years, and never looked like catching the actual culprit. That alone should have got him fired or assigned to a back water for life.
His Uranium One lack of follow up is another case where, absent evidence to clear him, he’s guilty of corruption.
Yes and the flower in his lapel was a clear signal to the aliens preparing for conquest.
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Run out of ( what passed with you for) arguments have you Tomo?
Kiddie name calling is all that’s left in your bag now?
DRUMPF might not be a Russian spy, but he’s probably guilty of… something!
Trump has built things in both New York and Chicago. So I wouldn’t be totally surprised if he was guilty of bribing (Democrat) politicians.
He claims he became an equal opportunity lender after the Feds charged him with racist practices. So wouldn’t you think he would also be an equal opportunity briber?
New York and Chicago are Democrat fiefdoms.
While it is clear that Russian interference took place, less clear is any involvement by American citizens. It is not clear that any Russian interference took place. Perhaps the Russians bought a trivial amount of Facebook ads. No more. Robert Mueller, who might have been lifted out of a comic book, such is his reputation for probity and diligence Ha ha ha. Oh wait, you’re serious? His reputation has taken quite a beating hasn’t it? has run into criminal activity by US citizens, although these alleged crimes mostly have little to do with his mission. Both of those statements are… Read more »
Cambridge Analytica.
Bed wetters will wet the bed. It is what they do. What is the relevance of CA? It appears to have done nothing much. Certainly nothing illegal. Mueller is just engaged in an endless fishing expedition because he is desperate to find some sort of wrong doing – perhaps even a crime – he can smear Trump with.
There is no evidence of wrong doing here. Just the usual bed wetters wetting the bed.
CA were doing what that Piss-soaked Pipecleaner Man Obumma and his gang also did.
Indeed CA’s only crime is NOT serving the left. Were they doing that they would never have been heard of let alone be a cause celebre on the British Bolshevik Corporations stream of shite programming. Even so august a personage as Jeremy Vine was flapping his gums about CA yesterday.
Actually, considering those very bad people at CA were working for Ted Cruz when they approached Trump, I think Cruz might be first in line at the civil claims docket.
Only after your Democratic pals who were working the same game and worse.
That is in the real world outside of your fantasy life which like the rest of your leftoid pals has to be drug-fuelled. Even the warped scum of the left couldn’t reach the unreachable star of bullshit that they have without lots of chemical help.
`Where did you acquire this Fuller character Tim? Alright he is working for nothing and is clearly worth every penny.
Economy and thrift are fine in themselves Tim but picking up dirty leftist driftwood out of the flotsam can give your nice beachfront property–ie a shack–woodworm.
Please scrape him off.
Mueller should have already been dragged to the White House for a literal good hiding. It would be good to see if he still remembers the “Defensive Tactics” shite they used to teach ’em at Quantico.
Perhaps it’s as well Trump is President and not me.
Apart from the minor factual errors mentioned above, Tom Fuller’s thesis is not what should happen but what is going to happen, with which I agree. Tom is not a Trump backer, as I am, but that should be allowed. Boston talk host Howie Carr rubs elbows with Trump at MAGA Lago and says he has asked him why he doesn’t ditch Mueller, and Sessions if he won’t sign the paperwork. Carr says Trump shows anguish and replies that he has been told he can’t interfere. Probably even by the Chief of Staff. It’s been noted that Congressional Democrats are… Read more »
Mr. Ecks, you do have me pegged–I am a leftist, in the Bertrand Russell sense of the word. I make no apologies for my political leanings, as they are the result of real thought and effort over the years. In the climate conversation I am criticized by both extremes for being a Lukewarmer. Given the propensity of the Left to eat its own, if there are other leftists on this site I imagine that experience will be replicated. I’ll leave it to our host to decide if I will be appearing again on these pages. If so, I look forward… Read more »
If it took you years of thought and effort to lean into a socialism–a death cult that has murdered 150 million human beings so far and ruined the lives of hundreds of millions of others –then you have been wasting what passes for your life. You would be more gainfully employed as a toilet cleaner–ie getting rid of shite rather than helping it to spread everywhere.
Nor has time spent sharpened what passes for your wit. A Speak-Your-Weight machine could have handed in a more worthwhile and incisive analysis.
Mr. Ecks, thanks for your kind words. I’m sure they are based on thorough familiarity with my thinking, writing and proclivities.
10 Stone.
“I’ll leave it to our host to decide if I will be appearing again on these pages.”
Eh? As long as you don’t spam or commit actual crimes you’re welcome. We really believe in this free speech thing around here.
Yeah, Tim, but what exactly do you categorize as an actual crime? 🙂
Ecks, you are mean.
Tom, where do you stand on the path of collectivism>coercion>compulsion>concentration camp? All socialism relies on either that path or perfect human beings, it seems to me. Not to mention the other peoples’ money aspect.
Hi Rhoda,
I of course would argue that the chain you try to create is not inevitable and not based on causation.
How would you describe the link between the Happiness Index and the (mildly) socialist countries that top it?
I should mention for clarity’s sake that places like Venezuela and Cuba are stark examples of the evils attendant with communism and, to be fair, the extremes of socialism. And I’m agin ’em. But I kinda like Sweden, Norway and other Scandinavian countries.
Norway actually has a magic money tree. Sweden worked fine when it was all Swedes, scandi work ethic and all, but it isn’t working with a set of less-than-perfect humans. Strangely the transition from Norway to NorK is what passes for progress in progressive thought. Anyhow, I’m agin it.
Not real socialism in other words.
And the Scandi’s. Jesus Christ. Talk about banality of evil.
Yes, socialism is pretty much a six blind men and the elephant kind of thing, isn’t it? I hoped by referring to Bertrand Russell and praising the Nordic countries you find so bland you would get a better sense of what I advocate. (I am not, by the way, Jesus Christ. Nor am I currently employed as a toilet cleaner, although I did plenty of that in the military.)
If they are blind it’s cos socialism gouged their eyes out.
I didn’t say you were a toilet cleaner. I suggested you should aspire to it.
Now in America we write cuz, not cos. Unless you’re referring to either a cousin or costume play. As for toilet cleaning, I think that’s pretty high on the list of jobs at risk from automation, somewhat like your writing, so I think I’ll avoid that. But use your imagination–I’m sure some kind of work/therapy suited for soshalists will occur to you.
The noose is the one that springs to mind.
Tyburn-style so that you have a good half-hour while you are gargling to reflect on the 150 million your creed has polished off–so far.
Bit of a change from your crew’s usual infinite self-regard but it will do you good.
Too much brass neck NiV coming from the king of 3 million word missives that weaponise boredom such as to strip the leaves off trees. Also I don’t give a monkey’s how many times I say it–I’ll say it again–150 million human beings murdered by socialism–because it will always be 1 time too few until people get the fucking message as to just what evil shite the left are. Most esp the middle-class left. That poor people with little education and hard lives might fall for a load of Utopian cockrot is bad enough. But that middle-class scum, most of… Read more »
Still borrrring! It’s the same old story every time. If anyone disagrees with you, you accuse them of being a socialist, you rant for a bit about how the socialists you oppose were totally, totally evil for murdering everyone who opposed them, and then explain in graphic, orgasmic detail exactly how you’re planning to murder them all for opposing you. It’s cute, but as ironic paradoxes go, it doesn’t have that enduring intellectual depth needed to survive the gazillionth repetition. And people who didn’t know you as well as I do might think you were being unfriendly! I’m sure you’ve… Read more »
If I am to be held responsible for every crime committed by thugs leading nations and claiming to be socialists, are you similarly tarred by fascists hiding behind the skirts of honest people concerned about the future of their country?
Gosh, we could get Price Waterhouse to do the arithmetic and announce it on a show…
1-“Fascism” IS socialism –or a minor variant of it.
2-There are no “decent” socialists. At best they may be too milksoppish to be killers themselves but they are fuckwits who serve the cause of evil –usually by primarily serving there own egotism and fantasy conceptions of themselves as “good” people.
@Tom Fuller, March 19, 2018 at 5:20 pm
“For it is my country too, and I am afraid of the damage Donald J. Trump is causing to it.”
What damage?
Other than mooted tariffs, he’s doing a great job. Tariffs threats are a play to force others – inc EU – to lower theirs
Oh, you mean damage to the establishment & their swamp.
Trump dossier author, Christopher Steele, has been ordered to conduct a videotaped deposition in a British suit. Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton says the Robert Mueller investigation is collapsing.
Guess we’ll see, won’t we?
Pcar, neither this, nor the previous collapses of the Mueller investigation, refutes Tom’s thesis that Democrats will still flog it all the way through the midterm elections. The process is what dominates the nightly news, sucks the oxygen away from Trump’s agenda, and de-legitimizes his Presidency. Any resulting facts are irrelevant (except for the entertainment value of manufacturing “process-crimes”).
“…Tom’s thesis that Democrats will still flog it all the way through the midterm elections.”
That’s your suggestion, Spike. Tom’s is that Mueller won’t report or indict on the major issues until after the midterms.
How to tell a swamp is a swamp: FBI Director Jim Comey lied under oath and illegally leaked classified information. He’s not under investigation. Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin broke the law when she put classified emails on her sex predator husband’s laptop. She’s not under investigation. Hillary Clinton made hundreds of millions of dollars selling State Department access and favours to foreign dictators, set up an illegal email server in her bathroom to avoid FoI laws, deleted 30,000 emails after they were subpoenaed, had her aides smash up government phones with hammers to destroy evidence, and collaborated with… Read more »
They’re leftists Steve. It’s not like they are bad people or anything. BTW you left out the Toxic Twosome’s massive Haiti Heist. Most folk would get a bad back from just carrying that much cash.
Regardless of views, the conclusion that they will hang this out until the house changes hands and they can go full three ring circus seems spot on, of course the issue is how they are going to drag it out for a year. In a sense we are back to the process as punishment, regardless of the outcome the entire has been a massive diversion
@Tom Fuller, March 19, 2018 at 8:52 pm
“For it is my country too, and I am afraid of the damage Donald J. Trump is causing to it.”
Evasive reply: “Guess we’ll see, won’t we?”.
You state “is causing”, not might cause. Thus, again
What damage?
Other than mooted tariffs, he’s doing a great job. Tariffs threats are a play to force others – inc EU – to lower theirs
Oh, you mean damage to the establishment & their swamp.
Well. I assign partial responsibility (I recognize that others, including Democrats, bear some of the blame) to the Trump administration for: 1. The DACA debacle 2. Worsening relationship with Mexico 3. A tax cut that favors the wealthy and large corporations 4. Appointment of an ideologue on the other side of the spectrum from what I prefer to the Supreme Court 5. Undermining our nascent version of the NHS–you here in the UK wouldn’t stand for it, would you now? 6. Dismissing Russian interference in the US electoral process 7, Passively (and occasionally actively) legitimizing white nationalists and racists 8.… Read more »
1. As far as his base are concerned Trump won that one. I support the expansion of *legal* immigration, but democracy requires (within limits) we obey even laws we don’t like, so that everyone else will obey the laws we make that *they* don’t like. 2. About time. 3. And resulted in those corporations handing out large pay rises and employeeing more people. 4. That’s how the system is intended to work. Again, as far as his base is concern that’s a win. 5. Yes we would. 6. There was no Russian influence, unless you count FusionGPS’s Russian connections? 7.… Read more »
Saying something is good for his base automatically brings to mind the inference that if it’s bad for the country and good for his base, who cares?
Because the “real” USA is composed of important and virtuous cultural marxists like you Tom.
Fuck all them Rednecks.
The real USA is quite diverse. That has always been fine with me. It doesn’t seem to be fine with Trump.
“Saying something is good for his base automatically brings to mind the inference that if it’s bad for the country and good for his base, who cares?”
Opinions differ on whether it’s good for the country. His base thinks it is.
And politics is, if anything, the art of dealing with the situation when people’s opinions differ on what is best.
Importing millions of Mexicans to vote for scum like the Democrat Elite is not “diversity”. It is elite trash taking over and ruining your country by pissing its very foundation away with votes paid for by handouts taken from the hardworking.
Not that you care Tommy.
I most certainly don’t care that you’re whining about it. I’m pleased that my country is still a beacon to millions across the world. As for scum, I refer you to Donald J. Trump. Since you delight in being fact free, I suppose it’s no use reminding you of what seventh graders all know–that Hispanic immigrants, legal and non, have a lower crime rate than native born Americans, a lower unemployment rate, lower incidence of claiming all forms of welfare, pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes and contribute towards Social Security that they will not receive. Like… Read more »
Oh its leftist facts were using is it Tommy.
Hispanics commit more crime and claim more benefits than whites and the illegals try to vote in other peoples elections. As your scummy hero the Pipecleaner encouraged them to do. Is that not a Federal Crime of some sort, exhorting folk to vote in elections they have no right to vote in?
Your country is a beacon because of the standards and beliefs it once held not because it was the leftist shithole that you are working to turn it into.
Well, BotBot, you can use NewSpeak to trot out all the lies you want, but I remain unmoved.
Unmoved, but mindful of the delightful film V For Vendetta. You remind me of the broadcaster Prothero. I hope you avoid his unpleasant fate.
Unpleasant fates are mostly dished out by your gang Tommy–as in the 150 million deaths that your friends and allies have dealt already . And are still dealing daily in socialist shitholes like Venezuela , Cuba, North Korea and other such Club Red resorts.
Strange that the world’s migrants don’t really apply to go to all the true socialist paradises. You would think they’d be queuing up for entry into socialist wonderlands. Instead they want to go to nasty capitalist countries.
Strange that.
10. is revealing. What do you mean by charging the taxpayer to play golf?
Isn’t that the just the cost of Presidential security? Besides, he’ll have to go some to outdo Obama on the golf front surely?
Actually Donny has gone golfing on the taxpayers’ dime 96 times so far. If he continues at this pace in four years he will have golfed twice as many times as Obama did in 8 years.
Subtracting the cost of Obama’s non-package tour holidays Tommy?
And factor in that perks sting less for a guy like Trump who actually gives a shit about his nation and is at the very least doing his best to keep his word, As opposed to a scummy CM Chicago machine prick who is using every trick he can think of to help fuck up the USA and showing himself a lovely time while doing so.
Rounds of golf do not cost nearly a million dollars each. Someone is pulling your leg.
The reply is to Tommy boy below. Not jack C above.
Snopes are lying leftist scum. Obo was a deceitful,freeloading parasite and leftist scumbag who did everything to damage your country and turn it into a leftist shithole that he could get away with.
An American Toni Bliar.
I’m sure you would, but you show exceptional bias and a crass misunderstanding of the US political system. Gorsuch is not an ideologue as such, the real ideologues on the court at RBG and that “wise latina” who decide cases not on the law but on their prejudices. And as NiV says, there is publicly available proof of Russian collusion by the Clinton Campaign, but despite a year of earners enquiry zero evidence for any Trump campaign collusion. The Puerto Rico aid was purely a media beat up, I am however not surprised that you buy into it as it… Read more »
I forget if you’re BotBot number 1 or number 2, but your parroting of Russian talking points should win you a free meal from Cambridge Analytica. Enjoy!
This “BOT” malarkey is unhinging your mind Tomo.
Is that how socialists defend their egos against the guilt resulting from being aware of the endless evil their cause has done and continues to do? By pretending that everybody else in the world is unreal–some sort of robot that can be extinguished or brutalised for the cause with no need to engage any sort of humanity.
If you lads have any left to dredge up that is.
I’m not sure if even all the people who support Trump have figured out how his PR strategy works. Mueller fits into it so perfectly, one might almost suspect it was deliberate. The image Trump seeks to project to his base is that of an indestructable rock unmoved by the battering of the storm-lashed ocean, of an impregnable fortress resisting a sea of berserker enemies, its commander shouting defiance at them from the ramparts. This image would be severely lacking without the storm. So he provokes it at every opportunity. The more hysterical his enemies get, with no effect on… Read more »
He may be brilliant. He’s also a wide boy.
And a crooked liar such as Obumma isn’t?
On the other hand being a wide boy would include connotations of being one who survives by his wits.
The Piss-soaked Pipecleaner Man who recently left his holiday home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue certainly has little in the way of wits. A turd floating in the left’s pot is a much more accurate description of that one.
Still you can keep your doctor if you want to so no need to be concerned eh?
The only reason I voted twice for Obama was because I was prevented from voting for him 3 times. I miss him and his administration. I even miss Michelle.
Di gustibus non disputandum est.
That is because it is YOU who are the bad guy Tommy and not Trump and his supporters. You and your Amerileft buddies are the evil, However much you like to bask in your own sanctity.
Obama was and is a useless disgusting liar, a coward, and a hater. His actions in condoning the surveillance of the Trump campaign amount to sedition, and he should be prosecuted for that.
I can however see why you admire him for that.
And I have no pearls to clutch. Bad guy? Moi? Oh, the horror.
Trump is scum. His supporters are dumb. Oooh–poetry!
Reaching your true level mate.
How quickly the veneer peels to reveal the sneer. Now that is poetry.
As ever the Western world-around the enemy of everything good and decent–the scum of socialism. Wreckers and destroyers all. 150 million dead so far and it still isn’t enough for them.
@NiV, March 19, 2018 at 10:26 pm
Spot on. Are you Scott Adams?
“…were he British he would have been portrayed by Bob Hoskins, an actor I sorely miss, straight from the set of ‘Unleashed,’ where he more or less defined modern thuggery and perhaps served unintentionally as a role model for the current U.S. president.” Are you taking the piss? He’s a useless, derivative shite, that boy. Manifestly, by far the most appropriate London agent for the righteous infliction of retribution by your nemesis is personified in this case by a much more ‘orrible cunt, Bricktop from “Snatch”. You’re on thin fucking ice my pedigree chum. Go and put the… Read more »
NiV–11.58 “Still borrrring!” And still fucking nerve coming from a windbag like you. “It’s the same old story every time.” The SJW-reared boy projects. The number of times you have spewed your transcrap at War & Pees length and you still have the gall to accuse others. “If anyone disagrees with you, you accuse them of being a socialist,” He said he was fuckwit. “you rant for a bit about how the socialists you oppose were totally, totally evil for murdering everyone who opposed them, and then explain in graphic, orgasmic detail exactly how you’re planning to murder them all… Read more »
See above. If you tar me with every death caused by thugs like Mao and Stalin, Pol Pot and Maduro, you’re stuck with Hitler’s legacy. Doesn’t sound like it would bother you much.
Ecks is not a National Socialist. You on the other hand are a socialist. And the crime of people like Pol Pot grow directly out of that socialism.
So when you engage in typically Gulag-related behaviour it seems reasonable to assume the Gulag is not far behind.
Pol Pot was a communist and a Khmer Rouge nationalist. Not a socialist at all. I am a socialist. I know the difference. No matter how many times you want to lump us all in one bag, you can’t. How do you know Ecks is not a National Socialist (Gee–another group of thugs who hid behind our name. Don’t you get the joke?)
You actually are dumb enough to have written the above para? Comrade Lenin himself observed that socialism was the road to communism and such have the people of Venezuela learned and continue to learn the hard way. Oh yeah nothing to do with you are those who sing from the same vile hymn-sheet as you. Face it Tommo–YOU ARE THE BAD GUY. You side with human sewage who are trying–to the point of fucking ludicrousness –to undo a democratic vote you and your redscum pals don’t agree with. And are still claiming you are the good guys. Have you eyes… Read more »
Pol Pot was a Communist – a type of Socialist. But he was not a Khmer Nationalist. He was a Communist and that is a mutually exclusive category. You don’t know the difference. If you think there is a difference explain what it is. And of course in some ways you are in the same bag. In other ways maybe you are not. But when you make Gulag-type sounds it is reasonable to assume you have Gulag-type solutions in mind. Ecks has been around for a long time. If he was a Nazi – and they were socialists too –… Read more »
You can see the end state but you think you can go a little way down the road with the rest of your collective. But you don’t know how far down they all want to go, because progressivism must move on.
don’t forget Nazi was national socialist party…..the clue is in the name.
Though the adage of knocking them in an argument would seem to apply
This has been a fantastic debate. It’ll be great if this site doesn’t become another Internet echo-chamber.
Please stick around & argue your corner, Tom (& you NiV).
I plan to.
Please make a word limit on comment, Tim. That way there’s less scrolling through NiV’s tedium to find a point and Tom’s swamp loyalism to see if he’ll admit any of Clinton, Abedin, Lynch, Holder, Comey, McCabe’s actions were at the least dodgy/abuses of power/undermining the integrity of arms of the state.
Hi Ljh, I have made no claims as to the bright shining integrity of Democrats. I register as one because they are less tarnished than Republicans. For every Clinton I give you an Abramoff. For every Abedin a Scott Pruitt vacationing in Italy on the public dime. For every Holder I give you an Alberto Gonzalez. For every Comey–well I don’t know what Comey did wrong. Was that an ‘I was against Clinton and investigated her to death’ kind of thing? As for McCabe, I at least would like to wait until the IG report is published before pronouncing on… Read more »
You are a fantasist. Yes–the big fish of politics are all shite. But that is because they are ALL infested with the same cultural marxist wickedness. The demos squirt the loose stool and the mainstream GOP hacks slurp it down. Sure Gonzo was a coprolite but he was only a follower of evil trails blazed by your demo buddies. Leftist evil grows worse lead by the scum of the party of slavery and towing the Good Old Goons in their wake. The evil/evil party and the evil/ stupid party. All polipigs are evil but some more than others. And your… Read more »
Ah, yes. I’ll be sure to let Rand Paul that he is infested with cultural marxist wickedness the next time I run into him. I hope it isn’t in his front yard when I do.
I said degrees of evil.
Rand Paul –like his Father –is far from perfect. However the fact that he does not reek of quite the same appalling arrogance and corruption of the other 99.9% of polipigs is not a pass into Heaven. The semi-exception serves to prove the rule by contrast.
Interesting that you had to go right to find someone in politics with an even halfway chance of being a candidate for reasonable decency.
Mr. Ecks, I confess I chose him for two reasons–first, I thought you would recognize his name. Second, his name is simple enough for you to spell.
My command of English and its idiom is more than equal to yours Tomo.
But that is also true of Alvin the Chipmunk so I can’t claim it as much of an achievement.
@Tom Fuller “10. Charging the American taxpayer more than $90 million for his golfing hobby” Unlike Obama, Bush, Clinton….? Unlike Obama, Bush, Clinton…. Trump takes a nominal [iirc] $1 salary. His wife sacked most of Michael Obama’s staff and [iirc] has cut First Lady spend by >50% Then there’s this: Major Campaign Promise Fulfilled After Trump Hotels Made Over $100K From Foreign Gov’ts As for $90 million for his golfing hobby – Trump reduced cost of new Air Force One by over $1 Billion dollars. You come across as a stereotype anti-Trump moon-howler. btw: “What Cambridge Analytica did, in… Read more »
Actually, Trump is golfing at double the rate of Obama. And he doesn’t need his salary because he is collecting rents at his properties for government usage at his direction. He’s coming out way ahead on the deal. BTW, what Cambridge Analytic did is not at all like what Obama did. Obama’s app clearly stated what it was, what the information collected would be used for. CA used info collected for academic purposes without informing users that their info was being harvested. And it was 50 million, not 50,000. Why would you err so dramatically on issues so easy to… Read more »
The only “facts” are cockrot for your liar pals at Snotpes. Trump plays more golf. The monster!! Which is mostly security costs and nutters like you cause the ever-spiralling cost of those. Having been threatened by every cunt in the US Trump should not scrimp on security. Which he partly employs his own men for anyway. How do rents from HIS properties involve “govt usage” whatever that means. CA have done exactly what the Piss-soaked Pipecleaner Man, his burley “wife” and his corrupt crew did before them. They may have done it better and bigger. So what? The Federal fucks/Faceboot… Read more »
So first Trump doesn’t play as much golf as Obama. Now it just doesn’t matter.
I didn’t say anywhere that Trump played less golf. Other commenters did– so I suggest you pursue that matter with those who said it.
I said Trump’s golfing was more acceptable as he actually cares about and is trying to help his nation as opposed to the Pipecleanerman who showed himself and his clan a really good time on the taxpayers dollar while attempting every trick he could to piss on decent hardworking Americans of all types.
@Tom Fuller March 21, 2018 at 12:04 am
Trump collecting rents – strawman
Cambridge Analytic [sic] – it was a quote, journalists are not good with figures. Obama in 2008 & 2012 used Facebook api without consent and downloaded every USA users’ profiles inc emails and friends. Dems are still using this Database
Your diversion, evasion & ignore noted:
– Air Force One
– Campaign Promise
No, the Obama campaign did get permission and explained in great detail what information they wanted and how they were going to use it. I filled it out.
Now you are just embarrassing yourself.
But then it seems that ANY standards of ANY sort have been jettisoned by the left in the last 18 months.
An actual non-conformist view on the subject:
Only time will tell which view is realistic.
i hope this site is not turning into the guardian. if i wanted to read an article by someone with trump derangement syndrome i would go to the motherload.
@Tom Fuller, March 21, 2018 at 8:51 pm
“I forget if you’re BotBot number 1 or number 2, but your parroting of Russian talking points should win you a free meal from Cambridge Analytica. Enjoy!”
Thanks for that.
You vehemently revealed you:
– have a closed mind, do not tolerate questioning or debate and prefer your “safe space” to reality and facts;
– will resort to ad-hom insults when shown to be wrong
Candidly, I suggest you open your mind or ask Mr Tim to forbid comments on your delusional ramblings.
When you say things that are not true and repeat them after being corrected, the proper and appropriate response is:
Now ad-hom attack on me too. You do seem determined to discredit yourself.
Keep digging…
@Tom Fuller
Is this morally acceptable for you?
Obama used regulations to enrich friends
Millionaire Democrats slam income inequality in America
Before you reply – surely one leads by example, not by copying what one defines as morally wrong? Thus, don’t divert by claiming some Reps did same; this is a question about your Dem fellows.
Appears Tom Fuller has run away with his tail between his legs.
Or just got bored.
You are still here tho’ you 3 million word bullshiter you. And still a champion of brass neck.
NiV wins the guessing game. Pcar and Ecks, conversing with you is like watching reruns of a bad comedy series. I didn’t laugh the first time and repetition of your insanity does not improve it.
Encountering those outside of your bubble of leftist lies and bulk-shit is always a problem for death-cult followers Tomo.
However my sympathies remain with the murdered and those left alive to suffer and still suffering (Venezuela/Cuba/Norkland etc–or have your mates at Snotnopes told you that’s all lies as well) and not with you.
As per usual, typical left techniques from Tom:
– does not answer question
– diverts and makes more ad-hom accusations and insults
Mr Ecks, as you pointed out earlier, TF is embarrassing himself.
It would be amusing to observe how he fared on the Arrse Question Time thread.