ICE, the part of the US Government concerned with such things, deported the widow of a slain soldier. Could be just par for the course perhaps, depends upon who she was fighting for. Well, that would be for the US, in the US Army. There is something to marvel at here.
No, not the action itself, mistakes will happen. No, not the reversal – a just and righteous reversal – of the decision. The wonderment is that there are those out there insisting that this very US government should be given much more power, should carry responsibility for many more things.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] The husband of a US Army soldier killed in combat was detained and deported to Mexico last week by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement even though he had been granted permission to stay in the US, according to his attorney. The man, who is now back in Phoenix, where he lives, had been granted “parole in place,” clearing him to remain in the US after his wife was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan, the attorney says. [/perfectpullquote]It always jars slightly – because of my age of course – to see husband of slain soldier but them’s the times today.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Last December, a judge ordered Gonzalez deported for reportedly failing to attend a court hearing. Hernandez claimed Carranza was not aware of the court hearing until his arrest last week.[/perfectpullquote]Sure, mistakes will always happen:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Although Hernandez said he filed a motion to reopen the deportation case that prompted an automatic stay of removal, Gonzalez was still sent to Nogales, Mexico. Hernandez said he is baffled by Gonzalez’s deportation given he has no criminal record.[/perfectpullquote]And again, mistakes will happen. But government always does whatever it is the complicated way. And government’s not very good at the detailed and complicated matters either. Which is what leads to our wonderment.
There’s a serious and significant political movement in the US today to have government take over the entirety of the health care system. The energy system. To regulate some to all of large business. To entirely direct the education system – for that’s what finance it will mean. And they never do stop to consider how well government does the things it already attempts.
For that’s the one pure gold test of calls for more government. A check on how well it manages the things it already does. And there’s nothing at all about the US Federal government that suggests it’s ready for more work now, is there?