So the bloke decides to flash – well, more than that – in public. And a woman films it. Which leads to a prosecution for her breach of his privacy:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] A TRAIN passenger who filmed a man who was masturbating while looking directly at her could be fined £40,000 for invading his privacy. Natacha Bras, 37, claims the alleged pervert moved seat to sit close to her before performing the sex act on the journey from Paris to Poitiers. She alleges that the man began masturbating while making eye contact with her – an ordeal which lasted for most of the 75-minute journey. The distressed French woman posted the video online, which has since gone viral, without blurring the man’s face. Now Ms Bras, vice-president of MoiAussiAmnesie which supports victims of sexual assault, has revealed she could face a bigger punishment than the man. [/perfectpullquote]Apparently he could be fined €15,000 for his activity, she €40,000 for hers.
Perhaps a useful guide to the law being that we all become adult? No, not in the sense that we just shrug at the ways of men. Rather, we adopt the reasonable presumption that what is done in public doesn’t gain a presumption of privacy.
Quite the most fun part of the story though is this:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Ms Bras is vice president of MoiAussiAmnesie, a support group for sex assault victims who suffer amnesia.[/perfectpullquote]Sounds like easy work. What support do they need if they’ve forgotten it all happened?
Can’t you get her for:
1 – making a pornographic video
2 – using unlicensed premises for immoral purposes
3 – publishing a film clip without copyright permission
4 – not paying her star minimum wages
5 – ….
6 – Oh, and let’s throw in sexism, racism, imperialist colonialism and climate change as well….
…the man began masturbating while making eye contact with her – an ordeal which lasted for most of the 75-minute journey…
Am I the only one whose first reaction was “He can’t be very good at it, can he?”
I don’t know. Man from France can hold an erection for over 38 minutes, on a train, while being watched. I struggle to hold a boner for 8 minutes, and that’s in private and with someone I fancy. Je suis impressionné.
My first reaction was – why didn’t she say something or move?
But you are right, 75 minutes is impressive although I don;t know what the lady in question looks like.
The “amnesia” business is hilarious.
How do you know you are the victim of something if you have amnesia?