Why Isn’t This Cultural Appropriation By Ayanna Pressley?


Ayanna Pressley reveals bald look and alopecia diagnosis in powerful video
The freshman congresswoman unveiled her new look and said she felt she owed little girls inspired by her natural hair an explanation

No, not rocking the Kojack look which is fine, just fine. Rather:

In the video, Pressley begins by telling the story of her hair journey, going from typically pressed or bunned hair to more Afrocentric styles, most notably her Senegalese twists.

Her connection to Senegal is zero. Therefore that must be cultural appropriation just as much as some gammon like me sporting natty dreads is.

Answers on a postcard to your nearest grievance studies coordinator.

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5 years ago

C’mon, next you’ll be telling us that Elizabeth Warren “appropriated” Cherokee culture, Joe Biden “appropriated” Welsh miner culture, Jamaican/Indian Kamala Harris was wrong to style herself an “African-American,” and Barack Soetero falsely rose to power on someone else’s Legacy Of Slavery.

The answer is that a compelling narrative is political survival, justifying making it up out of whole cloth. Democrat voters want to be inspired – not told the boring truth.

5 years ago

It’s not cultural appropriation if you are woke enough to claim to be”multicultural”.
Obviously old male white people can never achieve that no matter what their world view.