Is Cryptocurrency Our Revolution, Or Theirs?
When we think about the darkly opaque goals of modern central bankers as they relate to the global monetary system, their conduct raises the...
With Lookouts Like These…
Jeremy Warner of the Telegraph has a stark warning for us.
"If you are coming off an interest rate of just 0.1pc, the effect on...
Government Debt – So Far So Good
When rich people feel overtaxed, they often find ways to avoid paying tax. As a result, governments get less, despite having demanded more. So...
What If Cryptocurrency Is Not Our Revolution, But Theirs?
I say that central bankers and their friends are not straining to repair our monetary systems, but preparing to replace them.
And they are hardly...
Cybercopter Money
Do governments benefit from inflation?
Or more pointedly, do heavily-indebted governments benefit from their debts getting easier to service?
Do they stand to gain from borrowing...
Why Do None Of These Pieces Fit?
People who care deeply about climate change think it is the defining issue of our times, and insist that everything else should be examined...
Hosting A Supranational Kegger
I once saw a towering drunken meathead lose his rag in a pub when denied service and throw every item on the bar into...
Cats And Dogs………Living Together!
So the government borrowed until they couldn't afford the repayments, then they collapsed the debt stack and printed until our currencies were on the...
MMT – Taking Your Money So Stuff Remains Affordable
Now The Magic Money Tree has taken root and is swiftly growing in our society, I've looked for a way to explain it to...
In Defence of Millennial Money Habits
In Defence of Millennial Money Habits
Even though millennials are often perceived as having bad money habits, recent statistics from The Guardian show that 7...