Labour’s Early Day Motion Supporting Theresa May Over Skripal


True, it’s some on the Labour backbenches supporting and signing up to an EDM in support of Theresa May. But then they’re doing so because they really don’t support Corbyn and what he’s saying about all this.

There’s even talk that some shadow frontbench spokespeople will go over this. For it is generally true that Corbyn – and even more Seumas Milne – aren’t going to criticise Russia for very much. They not having quite got it that Uncle Joe and communism are both dead.

A copy of that EDM.

Skripal EDM

This EDM has just been submitted by John Woodcock. It’s unconfirmed that Harriet Harman is supporting it.

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Hallowed Be
Hallowed Be
6 years ago

Hmm. seems reasonable enough don’t know why Jeremy wouldn’t support it. He supported Theresa when she made the statement in the house. Yes there’s some out of favour peeps with the leader there on the list, who used to run ministries and backed the wrong horse (including themselves, stella, chukka) for the leadership so no love lost. To be expected though. Without shadow responsibilities foreign affairs is the well worn path to keep up the statesman persona.

6 years ago

Gay and fake. First off, the phony bravery of these clowns in “standing up” (i.e. bleating impotently and making pathetic threats) to Putin is sickening. British people are being raped and murdered by hostile foreigners every day, but our kakistocracy hopes we’ll forget about Telford and focus on the scary Russian menace. Second, if HM Government and its professional liars in the spooky services told me it was raining, I’d bloody well pack sunscreen. We have no reason to accept Theresa May’s word on this over that of Vladimir Putin. Sergei Skripal is a bad man who made hundreds –… Read more »

Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago

To be honest there’s a lot of things I am more concerned about than Russian gangsters bumping each other off here. On that subject, I’d like them all (all those rich Russians who prefer to live here) chucked out. They bring no advantage to the UK. Money? So what? I’d like to know why the invasion by another group of foreigners does not excite the political class so much.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

This is copied and slightly amended from Tim Newman’s site. Saves writing it all again. “It is a tangled mess. But Steve is largely correct. It is far too early to be shovelling this much anti-Russia shit. Sherlock Holmes & Poirot talk to those involved, they gather evidence, deliberate and THEN point the finger. If you are a fuckwit who reverses that order then you name is likely Clouseau.Or Thrasher May. I’m glad to see Corbin getting it in the neck for any reason. If there was film of Putin stabbing the victims himself and smirking at the camera Agent… Read more »

6 years ago

@Mr Ecks, …It seems clear that the likely nerve agent was stored at a now defunct soviet base in Uzbeckistan. And that in 92/3 the Yanks were asked by the Uzbeks to look after that site to stop dangerous gear falling into rogue hands. Jeez –how funny is that?. So it is highly likely that the Yanks know how to make the nerve agent and/or took some of it during their time in charge of the base… On Tim N’s post I commented: Correct. DM had an article on the Skirpal-Steele links and possibility Skirpal was involved in writing the… Read more »

6 years ago

Ecks – interesting thing about May’s high-handed approach to Russia, giving them insulting ultimatums (as if we were dealing with some errant colony circa 1912) and refusing to present the evidence they asked for: if you were deliberately trying to pick a fight with another country, deliberately trying to ensure the incident you’re ostensibly upset by *can’t* be carefully investigated and resolved peacefully, this is how you’d behave. May isn’t very bright, but I don’t think the entire senior leadership of the British government is stupid, so the logical conclusion is they have no interest in finding out who poisoned… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve–It is all very handy to try and take the heat off over Telford and the “UK as a RoP-sucking police state” truths now being revealed to a least a portion of the public.

Also what are the twats on all sides of the pond trying to provoke Russia for? Is this the Agenda 21 run up. 6-7 billion nuked out and the Polly Toynbees emerge from the bunker to become the Eternal Elite? As plans go that has to be a candidate for all-time worst. So, if not that what exactly?

6 years ago

Ye Gads, that’s an unreadable in your face SHOUT post – sorry. Warning: Don’t use blockquote until Tim Worstall pulls his finger out and fixes his mutant creation. . In more readable form: @Mr Ecks, “…It seems clear that the likely nerve agent was stored at a now defunct soviet base in Uzbeckistan. And that in 92/3 the Yanks were asked by the Uzbeks to look after that site to stop dangerous gear falling into rogue hands. Jeez –how funny is that?. So it is highly likely that the Yanks know how to make the nerve agent and/or took some… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

If this Skirp bloke WAS involved in the dodgy dossier then it could open the door to the Clinton kill zone. Making the bloke possibly the –oh–123rd is it now–mysterious death surrounding the Toxic Twosomes career. Usually they don’t employ “Spray n’ Prey (sic) ” type tactics tho’ . They will kill anyone who they want to kill and/or who knows too much but they don’t usually try to take half the street with them. That might be accounted for by the desire to kill two birds etc. Not just get rid of a potential dark open mouth on the… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

I forgot–Murphy is a twat who would be best employed as a Chubby Brown tribute act.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Wait a minute tho’–the bloke isn’t dead is he? Too late in a long day.

Now that is NOT like the Clintons. Whatever else you can accuse them of, like the Mounties they always get their man or woman.

So the botchery weighs against the Toxics being involved. Altho’ she is having trouble going down stairs at present so perhaps their hit-squad are pensioners as well by now. But it seems less likely. Mistakes are something professional killers really can’t afford.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Auth Phrase: Murphy is 1. a POS 2. a SOS or 3. Both. Your choice

6 years ago

“Wait a minute tho’–the bloke isn’t dead is he?”


Using correct clandestinely placed dosage of nerve agent to quickly quickly kill one person only, whilst not killing assassin and others is difficult.

TBH I can’t think of a single logical reason Putin would do this. Plenty why anti-Russia would.

Bloke in North Dorset
Bloke in North Dorset
6 years ago
Reply to  Pcar

I don’t know how deadly that agent was meant to be but not all agents were designed to kill. Its far better to incapacitate the enemy troops as that ties in more resources evacuating and caring for them.

6 years ago

Haven’t read it yet, but: very bad drafting. When I was a deputy whip it was best practice to have a line break after the introductory “agree that:” and after each semi-colon clause.

6 years ago

Using correct clandestinely placed dosage of nerve agent to quickly quickly kill one person only, whilst not killing assassin and others is difficult. It’s a puzzle, ain’t it? I have no idea how you’d go about assassinating somebody with nerve agents, but then apparently neither does whoever is responsible for Salisbury. Which calls into question the narrative of VLADIMIR PUTIN: THE MORIARTY OF MURDER, because if he’s stuck with bumbling, incompetent henchmen, how much of an evil mastermind is he? I can well believe that the FSB are stuck with the same sort of gormless losers the British spooky services… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Maybe he’s the other Moriarty, Bloodnok’s sidekick.

Henry Crun
Henry Crun
6 years ago
Reply to  jgh

Moriarty was Grytpype-Thynne’s sidekick.

6 years ago

Also what are the twats on all sides of the pond trying to provoke Russia for? Well, we know why. The West had no problem with Russia when it was led by an incompetent drunk who let mafia goons and Western financiers loot the place and prostitute their children. You never heard a bad word about Russia in the days when they had more abortions than live births and the place was a live-action role-play of PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS. Even under Stalin, Russia got a fairer hearing in the Western press than it does now. 1991 was supposed to be Fukayama’s… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

There is much in what you say Steve . But what of Xe? A much nastier piece of work than Putin –who is a bad guy in his own right–and who DOES have a plan to weaponise China and overseas Chinese + investments etc to dominate if not conquer the world. As well as run the first super-computerised tyranny. Normally such a turd would be welcome at the heart of the global elite club. But it seems likely that Xe wants a China only club of elites with the rest being less Elite than he and his pals who will… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Oh yeah–piss on Murphy–again. I keep forgetting.

So Much For Subtlety
So Much For Subtlety
6 years ago

Dudes, come on. This is insane. Nerve agents are impossible for a non-state actor to produce. More or less. This is a rare one at that. It can only have come from the former Soviet Union. Nerve agents are hard to use posing a huge danger to those trying to use them. So they can only be used by trained professionals. It is really hard to see how anyone could have moved one around safely except under the eye of a trained professional and through a diplomatic pouch. It is also a question of why. An AK-47 might get you… Read more »

6 years ago

“TBH I can’t think of a single logical reason Putin would do this.” The Russian presidential election is four days away, ffs. Send clear message to opposition anywhere and everywhere, then whip up nationalist fervour in inevitable diplomatic battle. Don’t even need to stuff the ballot boxes. It’s a classic Kremlin “no-no-it-wasn’t-us” implausible denial hit, as with Litvinenko. Now, the Hawking death. That was obviously a Great Game Clinton operation in league with May to take attention away from Telford. He tried to tell us in his follow-up Brief End of History of the Universe, but they got him before… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago
Reply to  PJF

So Putin thinks that a murder is going to get him massively more votes than otherwise because…what? He will murder everybody who doesn’t vote for him? Or because the Russian people just love to see overseas Russians being murdered by their leader and will turn out in droves to signal their approval of sloppy killings that nearly off enough ordinary people to fill a bus. Esp because they really give a shit what the FFC says–before there has hardly been time to look into the matter properly. What a fucking brilliant plan. We should copy it. Pull a few sloppy… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

Apologies to Pcar–it was PJF NOT Pcar I was addressing.

It’s been a long day.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

This iteration of Ecks seems a bit off. I think the real one’s been kidnapped and replaced with an agent from the other side.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago
Reply to  PJF

PJF–You’ve replaced your own brain unsuccessfully if you believe your own malarkey.

Not bothering with the Murphsult–Twatty will have been sent up the wooden hill by now. His Mammie will have seen to that.

So Much For Subtlety
So Much For Subtlety
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

I am not sure what Putin thinks about the election. But a conflict with the West can hardly hurt him when he is busy telling the Russians they need to vote for him because the West hates Russia and is out to get them. He only needs to intimidate the opposition. Which does openly say that Putin can have them killed at any time. I think that is an election advantage. Will the Russian voters approve? Probably. Fighting in the Falklands did not hurt Thatcher. I was distinctly not put off by killing members of the IRA in Gibraltar and… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Sorry SMFS but that is nonsense. The CIA etc has the line of access via the Uzbeks. And the Skirp bloke is a very good candidate for being a part of the dodgy dossier caper. More than enough to get him whacked and whacked messily to raise the ire against Russia as an extra bonus. Every neo-con SOS in the USA is twisting their intestines to create some kind of conflict with Russia. All the points Steve makes about Russia being a bastion of not allowing the beardie invasion are also true. Now it might turn out that it WAS… Read more »

So Much For Subtlety
So Much For Subtlety
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

No it isn’t actually. The CIA could have got access to it from the Uzbeks, that is true. But they are a bunch of well meaning mainly politically correct middle class liberals. Killing people is not what they do. If they did there would be a lot more of it. So either they are extremely competent in that they have been regularly killing people without a single government noticing, or, as the most supervised, open, spy agency in the world, they are not in the business of killing people. You think that the CIA whacked him to keep him quiet… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Never said Putin was a good guy. You said the FBI were and they are not. Of course the CIA kill folks. Look up the actuarial calculations around the JFK killing. The level of chance deaths amongst the group who were believed to have knowledge around JFK and his death–accidents/suicides/crimes etc exceeds the background level of deaths in a similar group by an order of tens of millions ie a very,very high likelihood that many were wacked. The Clintons have 122 mystery deaths around them now. 8 in the last two years alone. Including the bloke who was… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

“You think that the CIA whacked him to keep him quiet about trying to get Hillary elected? Come on.”

That was yesterday. Why they might whack him would be to ensure that the story did not bring down Killery and the shitload of scum who were part of it–FBI/CIA/NSA, Uncle Tom Fucking Cobley and all.

It may all yet still emerge –but yes I am very sure they would murder to keep those events in the dark.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

Yes, Her Nibs would take a contract out on someone merely to control the national debate for a single news cycle. But she is a wraith of her former self. The Clinton Foundation has drastically reduced revenues as there is oddly little merchandise, such as future influence over government policy, for sale to interested parties. She is still on a virtual book tour, telling all who will listen that it should be mine, it is mine, My Precious, rambling until her fellow Democrats say out loud, this week, that she has to hurry to get this bile out of her… Read more »

Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
6 years ago

Some paranoid conspiracy theorists (and not a few Kremlin trolls) are suggesting that it was a ‘false flag’ operation by the CIA/Ukraine/international Jewish conspiracy, in order to damage Putin. But the obvious response is: cui bono? Apart from sending a huge signal to opponents of Putin that their lives are not safe anywhere, this attack has boosted his (already completely solid) prospects in the upcoming ‘election’. The only other organisation with the capability to do this would be the CIA. And there is an absolutely catastrophic downside for them if the truth of such a false flag were ever to… Read more »

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

How is it positive ? A large part of Putin’s narrative internal to Russia was his responses to (supposed) indiscriminate slaughter of Russian civilians by the Chechens. So Putin’s men behaving like a gang of North Korean suicide commandos is not a good look for him anywhere. The FSB has never been this sloppy before and why use something that nearly kills enough innocents to fill a bus? Of course ordinary Russians –being vodka-soaked piss heads who spend all day drunk and crashing cars won’t care about innocents will they? It’s not like millions of them are Church-goers or anything.… Read more »

bloke in spain
bloke in spain
6 years ago

Been thinking on this. It seems obvious, the reason one might employ a powerful nerve agent in an assassination attempt would be because it could be done with such minute quantities that it would be hard to detect. Thus the victim would be judged as having died from either natural or unknown causes. If one simply wanted to kill someone & maybe use the act as a deterrent to others, there’s plenty of ways to do so. Our own, resident, Russians provided a go-to on the technique when they put close to a hundred rounds of automatic weapon fire through… Read more »

6 years ago

Re: mad conspiracy theories. Sure. But note that we’re being asked by Theresa May to believe in a conspiracy theory. The theory that the elected leader of a major country ordered the attempted murder of an ex(?) spy – someone he could’ve had killed while he was in jail in Russia – using a bizarre and easily traceable method pointing back to himself. SMFS thinks this plays well with the Russian electorate. I have no idea if this is the case. Seems the downsides (more sanctions and international opprobrium, at a time when oil prices are still low) outweigh the… Read more »

6 years ago

PS – anybody remember the dodgy dossier? Our war against Yugoslavia based on lies about genocide? Our unprovoked attack on Libya?

I’d love to live on a planet where the British government is above lying and killing shitloads of people to further its agenda.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

What now Twatty?

Have Spike and Bravefart upset you as well?

Are you running down like the clockwork monkey you are? Copying other posts at random and putting them under other names?

BTW what happened to the “T” persona ? Putin kill him?

And even willing to repost stuff about what an arsehole your dear mate Richard Murphy is.


6 years ago
Reply to  Mr Ecks

Mr Ecks: I angered several vandals at my old home and one could conceivably have noticed me here. Again: This is likely not the original one. They feed on your expression of anger.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago
Reply to  Spike

Angry? The blokes a joke.

Like his fat friend Murph.

Hallowed Be
Hallowed Be
6 years ago

Dear steve, yup I remember it But we’re not going to war. We’re expelling spies, who may well have planned the operation and have others on the list. We definitely definitely know the Russian state knocked off litvenyenko and so no it doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. It only gets the benefit of being a big fuck off military and nuclear armed state. The worrying thing for me political types are trying to expel Russian billionaires based on um… they’re billionaires. Now they’re not naif, and to an extent they’re political actors in the Russian context, (abramovich). The… Read more »

Hallowed Be
Hallowed Be
6 years ago

Btw : skrypal being knocked off is not the worst imaginable crime. He was a traitor to his country. I was always sickened about philby and blunt being treated with kid gloves, particularly philby whose treachery definitlely caused people to die. But nerve agent that takes out the daughter, and a policeman and whoever the hell may have tried to help. That’s pretty fuckin far from ok.

Mr Ecks
Mr Ecks
6 years ago

Copied for interest from via LRC. Written by Justin Raimondo ( always wondered what became of him after he stopped working with Jimmy Young). “The latest example of alleged Russian perfidy – the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia – is yet another case of faith-based attribution. In accusing Russia of some heinous crime – in this instance, the murder of a former double agent working for MI6 – one needn’t present any real evidence: it’s only necessary to point the finger at the Kremlin. And of course we haven’t had any real evidence proffered by the… Read more »