Gender Neutral Toilets And The Absence Of New Soviet Man


We can most certainly make an argument that all toilets should just be gender neutral. Then we’ve no problems with any trans- or cis- issues at all. It’s also all rather easier to plan and build – we don’t have to, as the Pentagon did very expensively, find out that as the gender composition of the workforce changes we’ve got to rapidly increase the number of toilets around or their type. Great, hey, why not?

Well, the why not is that New Soviet Man problem. Even the early soviet leaders were aware that this building socialism stuff doesn’t seem to suit extant human beings all that much. Their insistence was that a New Man would arrive, one perfectly attuned to the environment of socialism. Which would not only mean the people would love that road to communism but that it would actually work.

The things is New Soviet Man failed to turn up. Pity and all but there it is. Or was. But this is this same problem:

Women have been avoiding new £36,000 gender-neutral lavatories at the Home Office because men are leaving their cubicle doors open while they’re inside.

A notice has been placed outside the unisex toilets at the department’s Westminster headquarters asking men to ensure they only use them with the doors shut because their behaviour was keeping female colleagues away.

‘Women are finding use of the toilets quite distressing and are not using these toilets as a result,’ it continues.

The specific why isn’t really the important thing. At least some of that why being a general unease anyway, the reason just being a socially acceptable way of expressing the basic distaste.

Ten gender neutral facilities were converted from of five pre-existing male and female toilets at the Home Office’s Westminster headquarters.

Freedom of Information requests show that £28,892,50 was spent remodelling the loos.

And the signs bearing the words “Gender Neutral Toilets” cost the taxpayer a staggering £8,070.70 alone, the paper reports — bringing the total to £36,963.20.

Again, we can make all sorts of arguments as to why it shouldn’t matter, why it’s a blow for gender equality and all that. But the thing is we are dealing with a world which contains actual human beings. And the task is to fit the world to the humans, not the other way around. If people simply don’t like it then that’s that. We don’t even get the East Berlin option of electing another people.

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Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago

I’d like the signage contract.

6 years ago

Well, they have the option that East Berlin didn’t have: if you don’t like it, the exit is over there.

6 years ago

This is a vast expenditure just to humor the game of pretending that women are like men in every respect. It will eventually require more signage, to nag men to not just close the doors but to pee sitting down.

6 years ago
Reply to  Spike

Wonder how they will force men to sit down?

6 years ago
Reply to  GR8M8S

Target Stores “forced” female customers to accept the presence of Men Playing Pretend in the women’s room, though with considerable consequences to quarterly profit (which it didn’t consider). And Massachusetts Attorney General Maura “Hold It” Healey told females who had a problem with New Soviet Urination to grin and bear it, literally; no data yet on whether her tenure will suffer.

6 years ago

If all the urinals are busy then men will use a cubicle, in the exact same manner as they would a urinal, walk up and get in with it. It’s an easy target for the complainants who don’t want to seem in-pc by admitting to not like the idea in general.
Wonder how they deal with things if somewhere like Paris where walking past the urinals to get to the cubicles isn’t unusual

6 years ago
Reply to  BniC

Another France affectation is to interpret any concave architectural feature as a urinal. That could happen in the US if our Protectors keep complicating things. That we would not have chosen this solution for ourselves, well, tell me about it.

6 years ago

This is a vast expenditure just to humor the game of pretending that women are like men in every respect. It will eventually require more signage, to nag men to not just close the doors but to pee sitting down..

6 years ago

If all the urinals are busy then men will use a cubicle, in the exact same manner as they would a urinal, walk up and get in with it. It’s an easy target for the complainants who don’t want to seem in-pc by admitting to not like the idea in general.
Wonder how they deal with things if somewhere like Paris where walking past the urinals to get to the cubicles isn’t unusual

6 years ago
Reply to  BniC

Another France affectation is to interpret any concave architectural feature as a urinal. That could happen in the US if our Protectors keep complicating things. That we would not have chosen this solution for ourselves, well, tell me about it.

6 years ago

This is a vast expenditure just to humor the game of pretending that women are like men in every respect. It will eventually require more signage, to nag men to not just close the doors but to pee sitting down.

6 years ago
Reply to  Spike

Wonder how they will force men to sit down?

6 years ago

This is a vast expenditure just to humor the game of pretending that women are like men in every respect. It will eventually require more signage, to nag men to not just close the doors but to pee sitting down..

6 years ago

Well, they have the option that East Berlin didn’t have: if you don’t like it, the exit is over there.

Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago

I’d like the signage contract.