Taking The Daughter’s Easter Eggs – Socialism In Action At Mumsnet


That a young girl – 3 years old –  might find 13 or more Easter eggs to be a little much for such a small frame could well be true. It’s not entirely obvious that Mother eating them for her is entirely the solution. But then we can indeed bolster this argument with appeals to fairness. She’s got lots, I’ve none, so she should share:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Posting on the parenting forum Mumsnet, the woman insisted that the seven Easter eggs her three-year-old daughter has received is “too much for such a small child”. Aware that her daughter will be showered with even more chocolate treats over the next few days, woman explained: “She’s 3 and is going to her Dad’s this weekend where she will get more chocolate, probably another 6-8 eggs.” Although the mum insists that she “doesn’t mind her having a bit of chocolate or a handful of Haribo” every now and then, she added: “I feel that 13-15 eggs is too much for such a small child.” Believing that tucking into her daughter’s chocolate stash of “larger chocolate eggs” would be for the greater good, the mum then added: “I will be melting some down for cookies/cakes/ice cream sauce over the next week so she’ll get those too.” [/perfectpullquote]

There’s nothing wrong with this either. Within the family, the household, is where socialism – even proper all out communism – does in fact exist and we’d be hard pressed to have it any other way.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]I think it’s your duty as a good parent to eat them for her sake.[/perfectpullquote]

That being the problem with the application of the same principles outside the household, that societal rather than private socialism. From Owen Jones to Grandpa Jezz that is indeed the call, isn’t it? You’ve too much so I should have it to alleviate your problem.

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Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
5 years ago

Owen and Grandpa are no doubt sincere in their belief that I have too much and therefore some should be taken from me. I, in my defence, might point out that they both have more than most myself included. When both voluntarily send all of their income above the national average to the exchequer I might be minded to think of these 1 percenters more charitably. Until such time it is only Easter that prevents the true expression of my feelings, which are far from pretty.

Jonathan Harston
Jonathan Harston
5 years ago

Hold on….
“She’s 3”
“is going to her Dad’s”