Measurements Depend, Of Course, On What You Measure
Greenpeace and the like want to tell us that burning plastics produces emissions. Sure, obviously, this is true. Plastics are hydrocarbons, burning them produces...
Shell And Climate Change – Jesus There Are Some Damn Idiots Out There
There seems to be a rather childish insistence out there that climate change is someone else's fault. It's not us, we, we who like...
There’s No Insulating Against Stupidity
From our Swindon Correspondent:
From The BBC
Hundreds of thousands of homeowners will receive vouchers of up to £5,000 for energy-saving home improvements, with the poorest getting...
Today’s Silly Idea – The Amazon Delivery Levy
From the Times
Internet shoppers could be hit by a compulsory delivery charge as part of a campaign to cut congestion and toxic emissions, The Times...
According To DeSmog Tim Worstall Is A Climate Denier
I find that I'm listed as a climate denier. Someone actively preventing the world from dealing with the major problem de nos jours. This...
You Must Not Call It A Lovely Sunny Day Because Climate Change
Weather forecasters, news editors, and the like must stop calling hot sunny days lovely, or nice, or celebrate that people might be able to...
St Greta’s Problem
Greta Thunberg has something of a problem with her plans for the world. Which is that exactly what she thinks should happen is happening....
We’ll Not Do Well With Idiots Like This Making Policy
This coming from someone employed in our newer universities as a travel policy analyst:
Nicole Badstuber is a transport policy and travel behaviour researcher at...
Twitterbots And Climate Change
Quite horrifying news that some quarter of all Tweets about climate change are created by 'bots.
The social media conversation over the climate crisis is...
A Question About Climate Change And Joined Up Government
In the Stern Review on climate change we are sternly (ahem) informed that we must abjure planning as a method of beating climate change....