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The Corporate Accountability Network – CAN Is A Euphemism For What?

The latest little offering from the Senior Lecturer at Islington Technical College is the Corporate Accountability Network. The purpose of which is to provide an income when the lecturing gig finishes.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] The creation of the Corporate Accountability Network is being funded by Richard Murphy, its director. Applications are being made for grant funding, both from civil society and academic sources and it is our intention to disclose all our significant funding sources, barring small donations. We are open to offers of support funding and sponsorship from appropriate sources. [/perfectpullquote]

The acronym is, of course, CAN. And that’s what they themselves are using. Which rather shows the problem of those within that little social justice bubble. They never do refer out to reality or to the wider knowledge base which is what makes their varied reports and causes such a problem.

Anyone who did so refer outside the in-group would quickly find out that the acronym is less than fortunate. Our colonial friends use the can as a synonym for prison. And many varieties of English use the can as a synonym for the toilet.

Hmm, perhaps not so inappropriate. The Corporate Accountability Network, where one goes to defecate.

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