The Scrubbers Are Failing
In the film Apollo 13, a loss of oxygen causes the crew to start inadvertently poisoning themselves with their exhalations.
The engineers back on earth...
Playing The Mischief With Us
As the papers recently filled with the distressing images of desperate souls looking to escape the imminent religious tyranny of the Taliban, I'm reminded...
Why Do None Of These Pieces Fit?
People who care deeply about climate change think it is the defining issue of our times, and insist that everything else should be examined...
We’ll See You In Hell, Schwab!
It's been over a year since the World Economic Forum sponsored Event 201 – a COVID simulation that they set running in October 2019.
Is coronavirus helping Donald Trump’s bid for re-election?
Is coronavirus helping Donald Trump’s bid for re-election?
Donald Trump has been under constant criticism from the media ever since taking office. Now, amidst the...
Ooops! – System Error Crashes Entire Electricity Grid Of Argentina And Uruguay
The entirety of two countries seems to be without electrical power this morning as a failure in the grid has left both Argentina and...
That Virginia Beach Mass Shooting
Police say the gunman was a "disgruntled" employee of Virginia Beach's public works department and shot "indiscriminately".
Clearly we must reduce the amount of bureaucracy...
Interesting Question – Do Palestinians Have To Obey Planning Laws In Israel?
Unwrapping the truth from the standard left wing shrieking over Israel can be somewhat difficult. It's not just that fine line between anti-Zionism and...
Freedom Gas, Molecules Of US Freedom – The New Words For US LNG Exports
The US Department of Energy either has a sense of humour or they've allowed a PR maven to run amok. For they've just issued...
Whut? Seriously? American Jail Dehydrates Man To Death Over 8 Days
That mistakes happen, that the perverts and sadists get hired into the prison guard system, both are obviously true. But there's one particularly chilling...